Family law attorneys see domestic violence regularly. This national problem knows no economic or racial boundaries. Missouri has both civil and criminal laws protecting abused spouses. If you are a victim of domestic violence or have been accused of domestic violence, you should strongly consider retaining the services of an experienced attorney.
Regardless of the position you held in the relationship, there are important legal steps that can be taken to help or protect you. For more than 20 years, the Law Offices of Susan L. Ward, LLC, has practiced exclusively in the area of family law. We are fully prepared to help you through these trying times.
If you are the victim of spousal abuse or you are concerned your loved one is being abused, we will vigorously seek protection orders. If you have been served with an Order of Protection (adult abuse order), you should certainly contact us to discuss your defense and legal rights. Our tough, no-nonsense attorneys are here for you.
What We Can Do For You
Our attorneys have a strong background seeking Orders of Protection, commonly known as "adult abuse" orders. This is a means by which the court orders one or both parties not to abuse, stalk, harass or threaten to abuse one or the other. In some situations in Missouri, the restrictions can also prevent one or both parties from residing together, contacting each other or seeing their children (if seeking protection for a child). A protective order is relatively inexpensive, can be heard by the courts within 10 to 14 days, and is often effective in curbing disruptive, damaging or violent behavior in most cases.
If an Order of Protection has been issued, the party holding the order has law enforcement protection. Local enforcement agencies are provided with copies of orders on the same day they are issued. Law enforcement officers can be called if a party is believed to violate an existing protective order. In some situations, the violator will be arrested. Criminal and civil penalties for having a protective order entered or for violating a protective order can be very serious, and can impact a person's ability to obtain employment, carry firearms or seek security clearance.
Seek Help Immediately
If you find yourself in an altercation or other situation involving domestic violence, even if you have been in similar situations before, call the police. If you are also represented by a lawyer, call the lawyer. Law enforcement's preferred response is arrest or separation of the parties for a "cooling off" period if there is no court order in place barring the parties from contact. If you fear for your life and have nowhere to go, the police may direct you to a shelter so that your whereabouts remain confidential. If you have children subjected to such violence, they should be taken out of the situation as well, whether to friends, relatives or the shelter.
Contact Us For Aggressive Legal Assistance
- If you are or have been the victim of abuse, or are an aggressor, never underestimate the true danger that rage poses to both victim and aggressor.
- If you are a victim and being abused or harmed, worry about one thing only — saving your own life. Sort out the details later.
- If you are the abuser, seek treatment immediately and voluntarily. Situations such as yours are not uncommon, and help is available. Many insurance plans, professional associations or employers have programs available. Once domestic violence is brought to the attention of a court, most judges will assume that the cycle will continue without some form of professional intervention.
Our firm will take the time to listen to your concerns, explain the law, discuss your options, and clarify a legal plan of action. We are committed to protecting your rights and your well-being. Call 314-783-9400 or use our online contact form to schedule a confidential consultation to discuss your domestic assault/battery or divorce issues.